Tuesday, 24 November 2009

How the fighting works!

The most laborious part of the process of this game was the design phase. I spent sleepless nights puking blood and slitting my wrists because the battle system would just NOT work. Then on glorious evening, I finally cracked it. Whilst I still have to program the special attacks, the main flow of battle seems to work.

Let’s explain the battle system so even your grandma could understand it. But be warned, this game is not for simpletons. There’s quite a complex strategy behind the battle system which you need to get your head round. Here’s the basic flow of a normal, turn-based battle:

1. Kruz starts first. He can either: attack, use a skill, use an item or run. Simple enough. If you select attack, an enemy flashes white, this means he’s selected. You can deselect an enemy by pressing back.

2. When you attack an enemy, you’ll be using a very cool device which relies on the input = output theory. A special element powers this device. When you attack, some kind of quick puzzle or mini-game will emerge known as a Zone, meaning you’ll have to solve it in order to attack. In this
Zone, you become a small icon representing yourself and have to reach the enemy icon in order to attack it. This icon basically has to complete the task at hand, and you control it just like the main character.

3. It gets more complicated because you find items throughout the game, referred to as “Zone Icons”. As I explained, when you attack, you enter a “Zone” which is a small
field or space with a small mini-game or task to complete. You must complete the small task, otherwise your attack will fail. Now, Zone Icons basically “juice up” your average, everyday attacks into ultra powerful attacks with healing properties, poison damage, critical hits and more. They have various effects and can be equipped up to a certain number. For example, if you have the Zone Icon called
“Raw Power”, these are the stats implemented into it:
- +1 damage
- 30% chance of appearing
- Level 3 difficulty to grab

Don’t panic. These 3 stats will be explained very simply.

-What this means is that in the Zones, there is a 30% chance of this icon appearing once it’s equipped.
-If you grab it before attacking the enemy, you’ll do one extra damage. -
-It will be difficult to grab
, since the difficulty is level 3.

If you look at it that way, if you have a Zone Icon equipped that you have found, there is basically a 30% chance that it will appear in a Zone when you attack.

Some Zone Icons with weaker effects have a higher chance of appearing, whilst ones
like “Instant Critical Hit” have less chance of appearing during an attack. Once it’s
appeared, you still have the task of retrieving it in the Zone. If you don’t collect it
during an attack, it has no effect during that turn.

4. Once you attack, the enemy commences with a special attack. ALL attacks in the entire game can be dodged. As enemies get harder, logic puzzles and faster reaction-time mini-games will appear, making the game more challenging. The only enemy attack at the moment is the blaster attack. The outside of the panels show where the red will appear, you then have to get out the way. The longer you stay on, the more damage you take.

5. It then repeats.

If you’re confused as hell, don’t worry. It’s really not that complex when you
try it. However, it does potentially offer the most insane amount of customization
ever imaginable. Attacks can be modified to hell, down to the slightest detail, to give you the perfect match-made-in-heaven character.

This battle system is not gimmicky or tiresome. It may take a small while to pick up, but it works… and it’s really fun. I mean REALLY fun. Jesus Christ! I mean REALLY, REALLY fun! It’s like playing God, but having to compensate for being able to do anything. So in that sense, it balances out pretty well!
Tata people!

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